109 : Self-sabotage: one reason we do

...you sandbag.

...you hold back.

...you don't give it your A game.

But, why? Why would you NOT put forth your best effort? This answer may surprise even the high-achiever in YOU!

In today’s episode, I discuss:

[2:25] Where does this affect us?

[5:10] The truth about who struggles with this

[10:45] Who would've paid the price for me sandbagging?

[13:40] The truth about the benefits of our work

[16:13] What it really “costs” you to sandbag

[18:25] Two alternatives: get ok or give away my peace

[20:55] The truth about the rotten seed that you’ve “tucked away”

Grab your notes & pick up your pen…

  1. Can you acknowledge that you HAVE felt this way?

  2. Can you get ok with it?

  3. Click HERE & get on the waiting list for our 3-day workshop coming SOON!

Want to go all in & join the community now? Click HERE

If you’d rather watch today’s episode click HERE

Pretty please tag me with your answers on social media & takeaways so that we can create more impact together 

Go out into this world & be Perfectly You…it's all you were ever called to be. ✌🏻

God Bless! 💋


110 : Cancel Culture: If you knew the truth about me, you'd cancel me, too


108 : The sneak attack