11 : Perspective: Your view of the world

Hey, Judgy McJudgerson, I'm talkin' to you...yep, we all do it. We all think that the way that we view the world is the ONLY way...it's normal & it means that we are HUMAN.

We all have a very unique lens that we view the world through & it is as unique to us as our fingerprint is. But, just how did we get it? Why did we choose that one? Can we change it?

Lean in to take a look, my friends! And, if you want to REALLY dig in, head over to brookekanitz.com to get on the waiting list for the next coaching group starting in January of 2021!

Let's be social! Tag me in your biggest AHA moment...




12 : Leaders are not avoiders


10 : Focus: What you focus on expands