13 : Expectations & how to use them for GOOD

When was the last time that you were disappointed? Expectations will do that to us. We expect things from others & they are not even aware of them. So, how do we change? Do we expect less? Do we let go of our expectations? Is that even possible? It is. And, you can. And, the world will not fall apart...promise! Take a listen & find out just how you can feel peace over resentment. Head over to brookekanitz.com to be first in line for your transformation in group coaching that begins in Jan of 2021!

Journal prompt --

What do you want to feel? What is the end goal? How do I want to show up? What kind of expectations can I set for ME?

The details:

(1:55) That one time I assigned a meaning to a perfectly innocent gesture. 

(3:42) What I expected from my partner in my relationship.

(5:20) And, what happens when he didn't pick up what I was puttin' down...

(6:20) Ever been tested & didn't even know you were being tested?

(7:00) We've all got shhhhtuuff, y'all.

(7:55) The lesson: expectations can ruin everything, but do they have to?

(8:45) A little communication goes a long way. 

(9:15) Jump through the hoops & pass the test, if you can.

(10:43) Expectations can be removed & released. 

(13:43) Setting healthy expectations. 

(14:30) Are the expectations that you're setting for YOU or for OTHERS?

(15:20) The socially shared quote that helps us feel better about setting these expectations. 

(17:23) Ready to take an honest look at where you've got some expectations?

(18:36) Setting accountable expectations (ie: all about you!).

(19:14) Reality falls short of the fantasy that we've dreamt up.

(22:07) Are we really in control?

(22:30) Journal prompt. -- What do you want to feel? What is the end goal? 

(23:35) Let's be honest, would we really do that for another? Or do we just want to judge?

I would LOVE to be your guide, my friends! Join me in an upcoming coaching group so that you step out of expectations & into your greatness!

Let's be social! Tag me in your biggest AHA moment & I'll return to favor & share your takeaways!




14 : Either/Or Thinking: Can you have your cake & eat it, too?


12 : Leaders are not avoiders