16 : Why we seek validation from others
So...why do we do it? Why do we seek approval? Why do we look around for feedback? I'll give you a hint! We really only seek out the kind of feedback that we want & that our EGO can handle & its called validation. What is validation, you ask? Validation is the recognition or affirmation that a person or their feelings or opinions are valid or worthwhile. We want it. We desire it. We think we need it...unless, we don't. Take a listen to see just how to let this go...
(4:28) I asked myself the tough question? Am I really wanting feedback or do I want someone to agree with me?
(5:45) Honest feedback or validation? Do we REALLY want to know the truth?
(7:52) When my mentor let me in on a big, but TRUE, secret...we don't really want to know.
(9:12) My latest opportunity to ask myself, "what's really going on?"
(11:20) Kids make this so obvious, but adults do it, too.
(12:22) Where your intuition comes from...the only & only God.
(14:00) How we get to decide that we can be comfortable with no validation, or even silence.
(15:40) Your journey is yours & perfectly unique.
(18:13) One of my biggest tests.
(19:20) How do I go from insecure to not needing validation?
Journal prompts:
1. Where are you seeking external validation & approval?
2. What's really going on here?
3. What would it look like if I didn't need validation from anyone or anything?
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