168 : How to revisit your past without shame

Did you know that more than 90% of our thoughts are recycled? Sayyyy whattttt?

Yes, more than 90% of our thoughts are recycled, meaning that it's not an original thought. It's a thought that we've thought before. Likely, many times. And, even more likely, it's probably not a healthy or positive thought. 🥴

Talk about some stinkin' thinkin'...UGH.

So, with all of those thoughts where we remember the times that we sucked it up, how are we to ever feel "good" about ourselves? Am I just a lost cause? Is there a "cure?"

I've recently been spending some intentional time in my past--we've got enough backseat driving happening in our brains already--why don't we just take ahold of the wheel & go into our past with INTENTION?

Does today feel like I good day to heal from some of those old wounds? Press play...let's heal together!

PS: some real life interruptions happen in this episode & to keep it real...there are all left in there. It's ok...I'm human, too! 😘

✨This would be worth noting… 📝

[1:23] You can see progress of your growth ANYwhere, IF you’re looking for it

[2:11] How can we actually do this?

[3:15] We spend most of our time looking in the rearview mirror

[4:52] As children, we DREAM…until __________

[6:10] Having the mind of Christ, I have the ability to create 1 Corinthians 2:16

[6:50] A strategy to keep us “stuck” 1 Peter 5:8

[8:00] We want to hide…that is shame Genesis 3:6-7

[9:40] I’d like to erase these chapters…they make me feel icky…aka: SHAME

[10:15] APPLY this…this will change your life, if you let it

[11:52] I’m feeling shame about a former version of me

[12:24] Real life interruption…it’s ok, I’m human, too 😉

[13:31] This is why you’re feeling shame, guilt & regret…you’re measuring stick is messed up

[16:25] If this episode is for you, your life is about to change…God bless you!

Journal it 😉

  1. What does it look like if I just “observe” my memory? Sit on the bleacher & just observe what happened…just watch it.

  2. Are you the same person that was in that memory? Can you observe & realize that you’re not the participant? Because you’re not…that’s NOT you.

  3. Reframe the experience as the “former version of you”...separate YOU from the movie scene (I know y’all are replaying that crappy episode)...What did you LEARN? Are you grateful for the lesson? Did it change who you are today?

  4. Would it be SAFE to revisit? And, can I just observe & take inventory of the scene?

  5. 🔥Want to go all in & join the community now? You’ll get all previous workshops, plus the rest of the coaching group–one heckuva deal! You’ll get access to the library of over 100+ coaching calls, including 15 previous workshops! All for $49/month! Your mind, body & soul will exhale & say THANK YOU 😍 Join now!

Go to https://brookekanitz.com/coaching to check out all of the growth opportunities…they’re rad!

More options to grow with immediate access to content 👇🏼👇🏼👇🏼

For purchase with immediate access:

🔸What would be different? 

🔸Breaking Free! …from the chains that bind you

🔸Life is gonna LIFE you!

🔸In the Wait…

🔸Undecided…{& doubtful}

🔸Recognizing who YOU were created to be

🔸Outrageous Love ❤️

🔸New Year, NOT New You

🔸Unclutter this Christmas (or life 😉) 

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Want to go all in & join the community now? You’ll get access to prior workshops AND the library of over 100+ coaching calls, including 15 previous workshops! All for $49/month! Your mind, body & soul will exhale & say THANK YOU 😍 Join now!

If you’d rather watch today’s episode click HERE

Pretty please tag me with your answers on social media & takeaways so that we can create more impact together 

Go out into this world & be Perfectly You…it's all you were ever called to be. ✌🏻

God Bless! 💋


169 : How do you respond to overwhelm?


167 : Evidence of progress is everywhere