190 : Just do BETTER!

This world is full of helpful advice, isn't it? 

Fall short? Just do better!

Make a mistake? Just do better!

Trip & skin your knees? Just do better!

Miss the mark? Just do better!

You get the idea...but, what if there WAS something helpful to help us "screw up" less? 

Let's talk about a simple idea that is blowing my mind 🔥

✨This would be worth noting… 📝

[1:36] This episode is for everyone…so stick around!

[2:40] I love to learn

[4:06] What I’ve spent most of my life doing…

[5:03] I’m shifting my focus & it’s blowing my mind

[6:45] He answered, “Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength and with all your mind” and, “Love your neighbor as yourself.” Luke 10:27 NIV

[8:19] With my former “don’t sin” mentality, I was focused on what I didn’t want to do

Journal it 😉

  1. Where is your focus? On what you’re trying to not screw up? (hint: if you’re not paying attention, we are ALL doing this!)

  2. Go to https://brookekanitz.com/coaching to check out all of the growth opportunities…they’re rad!

If you’d rather watch today’s episode click HERE

Pretty please tag me with your answers on social media & takeaways so that we can create more impact together 

Go out into this world & be Perfectly You…it's all you were ever called to be. ✌🏻

God Bless! 💋


191: If I do A, then I'll receive B


189 : Don't they SEE me?