191: If I do A, then I'll receive B

I've known the areas or circumstances that "make me" get upset or feel "triggered." Quotes because y'all know that I don't believe that anyone can "make you" anything & that being "triggered" is entirely your choice, as well.

But, that being said, I know the places that, if I'm not paying attention, I'll go where I don't want to & I'll likely behave in a way that will have me saying apologies later.

What I didn't expect is the third part of today's episode. What I didn't expect was the obvious lesson that the Lord had for me...

✨This would be worth noting… 📝

[1:16] The ways these podcasts happen

[2:33] My familiar zone of frustration

[4:50] The cherry on top lesson that I wasn’t expecting

[6:47] I was attempting to have control

[9:00] It’s ok that it is exactly the way that it is–because I’m not in control

[10:52] The more you’re aware of the “triggers,” the more you’ll be prepared for them

[12:16] Even though we have free will, we are still not in control

Journal it 😉

  1. Where do you go when you get frazzled or overwhelmed?

  2. How do you behave when you are in this space? What are your thoughts/actions/behaviors/words/body symptoms?

  3. Do you expect something in return for “good” behavior?

  4. Go to https://brookekanitz.com/coaching to check out all of the growth opportunities…they’re rad!

If you’d rather watch today’s episode click HERE

Pretty please tag me with your answers on social media & takeaways so that we can create more impact together 

Go out into this world & be Perfectly You…it's all you were ever called to be. ✌🏻

God Bless! 💋


192 : The catalyst to create CHANGE


190 : Just do BETTER!