20 : Do we see life how it REALLY is or how we WANT to see it?

We all have an area of life that we have "sugar coated." We don't REALLY want to see some parts. We don't REALLY want to take a look. We don't REALLY want to dig in & address it...right?

Gulp. I hear you. I've been there. Oh, hey...I'm human, too.

Take a listen to today's episode & listen to the journal prompts so that you can truly dig in & make some life-changing shifts to level up & LIVE.

Head over to brookekanitz.com & get on the waiting list for my next coaching group--by the way...this is what I do! We work through the muck so that you can level up & GROW in confidence & know your worth!

Journal prompts:

1. Where have you been unwilling to take a look?

2. Where in your life would you like to NOT take a look?

3. What area of your life are you perfectly content with blurry vision? Hint: look where you are complaining, pointing fingers...or getting frustrated.

I would love for you to grab a screenshot & share this post with someone who is looking to grow! Take a pic & share on your story, on your social feed, text it to a friend & don't forget to tag me!

Annnnnnd, share your biggest AHA moment...




21 : Do you apologize for everything? Stop it...


19 : Reflection on 2020 & leaning into the new year for GROWTH