22 : If only he would change

Have you ever wondered, "how did I get here?" ...in your job, your marriage, your finances, your family? Allll of the things.

What if I told you that the only person that "needs" to change is you. The only person that we have the power to change is ourselves...ouch, right?

So, what happens when someone shoots you a glare or speaks to you in that snarky tone?

Whelp...we can just choose not to react. What would it feel like for you to NOT match energy?

What if you could choose out without feeling like you caved or that you are weak?

If you'd like to know HOW to do this, head over to brookekanitz.com & snag your spot for the next masterclass...

Let's be social! Tag me in your biggest AHA moment...



Journal Prompt:

1. Where in your life are you pridefully holding up the wall? Pridefully pushing back?

2. Where in your relationships do you feel tension?

3. Where do you think, if only they would change?


23 : When is the other shoe gonna drop?


21 : Do you apologize for everything? Stop it...