29 : Living on good intentions

Do you have good intentions? Do you make plans & maybe never get to them? But, it's ok...because you intended to, right? We love to tell ourselves that and then someday we look back & see a LONG list of what we never, ever did.

WHY do we do this to ourselves?         

In this episode I discuss:

[3:55] A quote that changed my life

[8:00] Revealing the “man behind the curtain”

[8:52] What are intentions?

[11:15] What are they really

[14:20] The call from the bank...that called me out.

[14:50] The truth.

[19:00] What you gain from this.

[22:47] The truth about what you believe about yourself.

[24:32] When will you be tired?

Your Journal prompts:

  1. Where do you see yourself having “good intentions?”

  2. What do you GAIN by keeping these intentions?

  3. Where is life getting in the way of your good intentions?

  4. What if you walked out your priority? How would your life look?


30 : What we believe dictates everything...& I mean everything


28 : Women empowering women