33 : Am I living in scarcity?

Whoops. I thought I had taken care of that. Thought I had tackled this monster called "scarcity." Unless, I hadn't.

Shoooooot. This was a gut check moment when I realized that I had shifted some thoughts, but was still very much living in scarcity.

So, how do we get out of it? What is it, really? Where do I start? 

Head to https://brookekanitz.com/step-into-confidence & get on the waiting list for the next Step into Confidence Masterclass to take control of your life! Step in & I’ll be your guide!

In this episode I discuss:

[4:00] There is always work to be done.

[4:16] My perception of what scarcity really is.

[5:32] Abundance=Bountiful {to me}

[6:36] Questions to see if you REALLY still have scarcity…

[8:36] A statement squarely from scarcity.

[9:22] What I learned about scarcity from my environment.

[10:35] What stories came to mind from YOUR story when I spoke about scarcity?

[12:21] How do you feel about situations AFTER the fact, once you are certain about the outcome?

[13:13] Humans crave predictability.

[13:28] One of my mantras to live by.

[15:20] If you’re not in one, you’re in the other. Womp. Womp. Womp.

[16:05] Truth nugget. Write this one down.

[19:05] I’m with you on this journey, y’all. 

[22:15] There is SO much more to be had.

Your Journal prompts:

  1. Where do you see or feel scarcity in your life? Where are you unsatisfied?

  2. Where is it that you cannot predict certainty, so you let scarcity take over?


34 : Scarcity: The stories that we write, Part 2 of 2


32 : Trigger Warning: You may be triggered