34 : Scarcity: The stories that we write, Part 2 of 2

What money story do you have? Always broke? Lots of cash to spend? Always robbing Peter to pay Paul? After last week’s episode & in light of my recent growth--that I am currently digging into, I found more shtuff! 

Ooooops! I felt like I'd been hit by a frying pan in the face when I realized it. We are living out our story--that I wrote.

Yuck. So, if I wrote it--can I re-write it?

I'm glad you asked 😉

Head to https://brookekanitz.com/step-into-confidence & get on the waiting list for the next Step into Confidence Masterclass to take control of your life! Step in & I’ll be your guide!

In this episode I discuss:

[5:20] The only person you’re trying to better than is ________. 

[6:29] The story that I wrote & how it led to our current situation.

[7:00] A little background that frames where my scarcity came from.

[9:45] The most money we had ever seen.

[10:55] The story that I spoke over our family during that time that changed everything.

[12:20] You play your story on repeat.

[13:45] The power of your story on your current situation.

[14:55] The real reason behind it all.

[15:36] Pick up your pen moment. Write this down.

[17:00] Journal prompt #1.

[17:51] Journal prompt #2.

[20:05] Another view--scarcity comes in all shapes and sizes.

[22:20] My hubby’s view of scarcity.

[23:39] How you know you are in scarcity.

[26:43] It happened because of this.

[29:49] The secret behind it all.

[31:10] The stories are written from our experiences.

[32:45] Your new mantra...write this down.

[36:00] If you’re living in scarcity, you are a ____________, ____ ___________. 

Your Journal prompts:

  1. What stories have you written about money? About your finances? 

  2. Does that story serve you?

  3. Do you like your current situation?

  4. Would you like to re-write it?


35 : Chasing Significance: Why we really seek attention


33 : Am I living in scarcity?