36 : Everything is neutral...until you assign a meaning to it
Do things get under your skin? Irritate you? Make your blood boil?
Yeah...I know. What if I told you that the things that "make" you mad are really just neutral...until you assign a meaning to it.
Listen to the end to hear the challenge!
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In this episode I discuss:
[2:05] Pick up your pen moment…
[6:05] The great debates going on right now.
[7:22] We are quick to judge based on other’s actions or inactions.
[9:20] A peek at my lens...what makes up yours?
[11:00] We all have our own unique lens. Period.
[13:53] One of my FAVE examples of assigning meaning…
[14:24] Do we model behavior for others? Without a doubt.
[16:45] What my hubby taught me about neutrality.
[17:19] Can I get an, UH HUH??
[19:05] Think you don’t do this? Do this little exercise… ;)
[20:57] Interpretation: what is it?
[23:00] Calling you out, gal ;)
[28:00] Why most people don’t want to give up their stories.
Your Journal prompts:
Where is an area that I am frustrated or irritated? You spend a lot of time thinking about it...
What have I made that situation mean? What meaning have you attached to it?
Do you believe that everything is neutral until you assign a meaning to it?
If you did, what story or meaning would you get to let go of?