37 : The real reason that you're disappointed

Do you get frustrated with your kids? Your hubby? Your boss?

What if I told you that you hold the secret to NOT being so frustrated? Don't believe me? Tune in to see just how to let that go...

Head to brookekanitz.com & get on the waiting list for the next Step into Confidence Masterclass to take control of your life! Step in & I’ll be your guide!

Ready & hungry to grow right now?? Step up onto the runway in Catwalk Confidence TODAY! 

In this episode I discuss:

[3:10] The unreal expectations that make us so frustrated.

[5:00] Pen pick up moment {if you’re not driving}.

[7:12] Recognizing the bliss in the moment {free of expectation, of course}.

[8:32] The reason my holiday & birthday doesn’t have to suck.

[10:36] Where do you find yourself doing this?

[15:46] The reason you don’t get to be mad.

[16:15] The secret sauce of life. 

[17:45] A healthier approach to life.

[20:20] My history of resentment & anger…& how it impacted everything.

[21:03] The icing on the cake.

[22:10] Coach tip: pick up yo dang pen...this. is. Good.

[24:08] What will you choose? HUGE life-changing decision here!

Your Journal prompts:

  1. Where is an area of your life that you find yourself perpetually disappointed?

  2. What is your “birthday party” moment? 

  3. Where can you better express your expectations?

    1. And, can you accept that you cannot control the outcome?

    2. And, can you NOT react & be mad if they don’t perform or show up as expected?

  4. Where are you setting up expectations?


38 : Answering your questions: Removing drama & upholding boundaries


36 : Everything is neutral...until you assign a meaning to it