38 : Answering your questions: Removing drama & upholding boundaries

Today, I answer YOUR questions...so fun! So, how can you remove drama & uphold boundaries at the same time? Can it be done? Is it even possible?

 Take a listen & I'll tell you just what I think ;)

 Oh, & submit YOUR question & I just might create an entire episode around it!


 Head to brookekanitz.com & get on the waiting list for the next Step into Confidence Masterclass to take control of your life! Step in & I’ll be your guide!

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In this episode I discuss:

[1:18] Today I answer one listener’s question

[2:37] The simple answer to removing the drama

[3:08] A pen pick-up moment...write this down

[5:33] Is today a good day?

[5:55] My interpretation of boundaries

[6:39] Healthy boundaries mean you’ll never be offended again in your life. Gasp.

[8:26] “the work”

[9:55] What you have allowed into your life is ________.

[10:35] We didn’t accidentally arrive where we are.

[15:24] Pen pick-up moment..write this down

[19:25] How you can choose to show up & get along

[22:07] Why I ended up doing this work...how it all began

[23:16] Zoom ALL the way out…

[25:15] Why I didn’t show up before…

[25:44] My life motto, y’all. Wanna join me?

Your Journal prompts:

  1. Where are you “yeah but” -ing & you don’t want to remove the drama?

  2. Are you able to remove the drama?

    1. Are you willing to remove the drama?

  3. Are you able to uphold healthy boundaries?

    1. Are you willing to uphold healthy boundaries?


39 : How dreams really do come true


37 : The real reason that you're disappointed