39 : How dreams really do come true

How DO you achieve your dreams? How do they come true? Do others know something you don't? Have the secret sauce recipe? Do they have connections? Know the right people?

What if it's none of those things? What if what we've been told is all just bunk? Let's talk this through on today's episode...


Want to take the first step with your growth? Then, head to brookekanitz.com & get on the waiting list for the next Step into Confidence Masterclass to take control of your life! Step in & I’ll be your guide!

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In this episode I discuss:

[5:10] What does a dream look like?

[7:25] Who I’m actually talking to.

[7:51] The guy this is all about probably won’t even know it. 

[10:04] The line that started it all.

[11:30] How beautiful things come alive from ONE thought.

[12:41] How does this apply to you?

[14:20] Will you have comfort & clarity?

[14:55] Pen pick-up moment…write this down.

[17:05] You’ve never had an accidental thought.

[17:35] Why you dismiss so many thoughts...the truth.

[18:00] You will not always be comfortable with courageous steps.

[20:05] My beliefs that held me back in the beginning.

[21:26] What if?

[23:39] Truth time, y’all...let’s cut the crud & be real.

[24:20] My secret sauce revealed...write this down!

[26:34] What I think about clarity.

[26:58] You are where you are, by CHOICE.

[31:33] The pathway to truly making your dreams come true.

[32:33] This nugget will help your journey.

Your Journal prompts:

  1. How many times have you had a “random thought” that you dismissed? That you blew off? That you shrugged off? 

  2. What would it be like for you to LISTEN to your thoughts (aka: intuition)?

  3. What would it be like to speak it aloud?

  4. What if you just took the next right step?


40 : Created for Connection


38 : Answering your questions: Removing drama & upholding boundaries