44 : The secret side of insecurity

Have you ever had to downplay someone else's success? To make you feel better? Yup...me, too. Gulp.

We all have. I promise. What if you could let that go?

Friend, I want to help you shake that insecurity...you were not created for that. 

Take a listen & lean in.

Want to learn even MORE about how to navigate life?? Our next masterclass starts soon, so grab your spot on the waiting list now & I’ll personally reach out to you the minute that enrollment opens up! 

Get on the list here:  https://brookekanitz.com/step-into-confidence 


In this episode I discuss:

[6:20] The secret side of insecurity

[7:43] Facts around growth

[8:05] An icky generational belief that does not serve us

[10:15] Which is better?

[11:50] If you can learn to ______ yourself, then _____________

[14:45] The many ways we will downplay others success

[16:26] I get to ________ myself.

[17:25] You are giving your ________ over to a __________ you cannot control

[22:40] Barometer check for your heart

[23:37] I’d love to coach you through some of your _________

Your Journal prompts:

  1. Where have you been unable to celebrate others' success?

  2. Where have you been happy when others fail?

  3. What if you just STOPPED?

Ready & HUNGRY to grow right NOW?? Step up onto the runway in Catwalk Confidence TODAY! It’s our weekly coaching group that is full of like-minded women who are leveling up, having breakthroughs & living their best life ✨ Join us 💋


45 : That one time I was attacked in the taco shop


43 : It's ok...I'm human, too