45 : That one time I was attacked in the taco shop

Just when you think you've got it all figured out...bam!

Are you someone who has to have it all carefully assessed before you start? Gather all of the information before you take that first step? Hypothesize all of the possible outcomes before you leave the nest?

I know you & I know why you do what you do...regardless of what category you fall in. 

Today, I'll discuss that one time that I was attacked in the taco shop & it may not be what you think!


Run, don’t walk, to get on this list TODAY!!! Our next masterclass starts soon, so grab your spot on the waiting list now & I’ll personally reach out to you the minute that enrollment opens up! 

Get on the list here:  https://brookekanitz.com/step-into-confidence 

In this episode I discuss:

[5:00] A time in my life that I thought I had it all figured out

[6:12] We don’t want to _____  ______, until we know that it is _______

[10:58] I was sure that I was _________

[12:52] I realized that something was off…

[15:15] Could I have known what was coming, had I been paying attention?

[16:54] Your brain scans the world for __________

[19:18] Is this you?

[20:02] The truth of being alive. 

[23:39] Your perfectly you takeaway: I’m never going to have it all ________  ______

[25:35] If you are in overwhelm or stuck, that is ___  ___________

[27:20] What true freedom & growth is

[29:14] Let’s _____  _______ ________ & start stepping out in this world

Your Journal prompts:

  1. What group are you in? The, scan all danger & never take action, group? Or, the think you have it all figured out, group?

  2. Or, is there a threat at all?

Ready & HUNGRY to grow right NOW?? Step up onto the runway in Catwalk Confidence TODAY! It’s our weekly coaching group that is full of like-minded women who are leveling up, having breakthroughs & living their best life ✨ Join us 💋


46 : Do you give to get?


44 : The secret side of insecurity