50 : How many sides are there to each story?

Why don't they understand? Why don't they see it my way? How can they not see it for what it is? How can they be so confused?

We all are so sure that our truth is everyone else's truth. And, we spend a LOT of time focusing on how we are right & others are...well, not right...amiright??

In this episode I discuss:

[1:00] Relevant for today’s times

[3:30] We are tethered to this

[4:45] You are subscribing to this narrative

[6:06] There are _________  versions of every __________

[10:10] My candid confession

[11:33] Our version is never __________ from our internal ____________

[15:35] 100% of your view is filtered through the ___________ that you see the world

[17:08] My bias is built around this foundation

[20:11] My story that I live from

[23:55] Could we all live from this place?

[25:45] Your basis for your journal prompt

[28:19] Where I once was & why I share this work

[29:40] A way to make this world a better place

Your Journal prompts:

  1. Do I have the idea that my version of the truth is the ONLY version of the truth?

  2. Could I assume that others are doing the best that they can?

Want to learn even MORE about how to navigate life?? Grab your spot on the waiting list now for the next masterclass & I’ll personally reach out to you the minute that enrollment opens up! 

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God Bless!


51 : Unfiltered thoughts: Zooming out on today's circumstances


49 : The most important relationship that you'll ever have