52 : The tale of two feathers: Is your interpretation correct?

"I didn't mean it THAT way!" Have you ever been misunderstood? Have you said something & the message you intended to send was NOT the message they received? 

Gulp. {Me. Too.}


In this episode I discuss:

[5:19] We are digging into ___________ & ____________

[7:44] We decide that something is ______________ & then we perceive that as our _________

[10:43] When our interpretations don’t match up

[12:35] Was my perception or interpretation incorrect?

[15:39] Maybe we’re all just playing telephone everyday?

[17:15] The question that we rarely ask

[20:00] If you’re mad about something, maybe you’re not seeing the same feather?

[22:55] You are not that _______________

[24:27] No matter how clear your message or how “good” your intentions

Your Journal prompts:

  1. Do you expect others to have the same interpretation as you?

  2. What has the assumption cost you in relationships?

  3. Can you assume that others are doing the best that they can?


Want to learn even MORE about how to navigate life?? Grab your spot on the waiting list now for the next masterclass & I’ll personally reach out to you the minute that enrollment opens up! 

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God Bless!


53 : What do we do when everyone is offending us?


51 : Unfiltered thoughts: Zooming out on today's circumstances