63 : The question is obvious, so why won't we ask it?

Do you know that one thing that bothers you?  That thought that you keep stuffing each time it rises to the surface?  That person that you're avoiding?  Or that phone call you've been putting off?

As humans, we ALL do this behavior {it's ok...I'm human, too 😉}.

No one is exempt, but few are courageous enough to dig in & heal.  But, you're here, so let's dig in together!


In this episode I discuss:

[2:03] The Captain Obvious question

[5:43] That one time that I never asked the obvious question

[7:25] When we “remove the drama” & “take a look,” the questions are SIMPLE

[8:32] Why I really chose this topic…

[11:38] Is looking the other way serving you?

[12:59] Honest truth bomb here

[16:40] What is the area that deserves some attention?

[18:00] The main fact here

[18:50] What we are really afraid of

[20:23] Pen pick up moment

Your Journal prompts:

  1. What area of your life have you been vaguely justifying & rationalizing?

  2. What is one “Captain Obvious” question that you could ask about this area?

  3. What are TWO more (I know...I’m pushing you 😉) questions that you can ask about that same area?

Episode 20 that I referenced early in today’s episode:

Do we see life how it really is or how we want to see it? 

Start that ripple, my friend, 🌊🌊🌊 & pass this along to someone who is “in the wait.”

Pretty please tag me with your answers on social media & takeaways so that we can create more impact together 💋

Want to learn even MORE about how to navigate life?? Grab your spot on the waiting list now for the next masterclass & I’ll personally reach out to you the minute that enrollment opens up! 

Get on the list here:  Step Into Confidence 

Ready & HUNGRY to grow right NOW?? Step up onto the runway in Catwalk Confidence TODAY! It’s our weekly coaching group for Step Into Confidence Alums or those that are HUNGRY & DEDICATED. It is full of like-minded women who are leveling up, having breakthroughs & living their best life ✨ Join us 💋

God Bless!


64 : Grow so much you SURPRISE yourself


62 : Impatiently waiting...again