67 : The Remedy for Chaos

Hello holidays!  Hello motherhood!  Hello grad school!  Hello 2021!

Doesn't everything feel a little hectic these days?  And, doesn't everyone feel a bit on edge, too?

What if I told you that there was a remedy for all of the chaos in your life & it's easier than you think?  Sit down, friend.  Let's chat for a few... πŸ’‹

In this episode I discuss:

[1:30] Me, pulling back the curtain about the show ;)

[4:36] What you focus on expands

[6:15] _________________ is the remedy for chaos

[8:51] We all have this basic human need

[9:54] My former life of chaos

[11:50] ONE line that buttoned up my growth journey

[14:30] I want to surround myself with these peeps

[19:01] Spontaneity does not equal chaos

[22:00] Challenge for you!

[25:43] Work on you so that you can show up for yourself & others better

Your Journal prompts:

  1. Could you be grateful right now, where you are, with your current circumstances?

  2. Do circumstances have to be present for you to feel gratitude?

  3.  Are you choosing for yourself? Or are you letting the world influence your decisions?

GET ON THE LIST for what is coming up in 2022! It’s gonna be awesome & I want to have YOU be part of it! Go to brookekanitz.com & GET on the LIST! πŸ”₯

Start that ripple, my friend, 🌊🌊🌊 & pass this along to someone who GETS to recognize their progress!

Pretty please tag me with your answers on social media & takeaways so that we can create more impact together πŸ’‹


Want to learn even MORE about how to navigate life?? Grab your spot on the waiting list now for the next masterclass & I’ll personally reach out to you the minute that enrollment opens up! 

Get on the list here:  Step Into Confidence 

Ready & HUNGRY to grow right NOW?? Step up onto the runway in Catwalk Confidence TODAY! It’s our weekly coaching group for Step Into Confidence Alums or those that are HUNGRY & DEDICATED. It is full of like-minded women who are leveling up, having breakthroughs & living their best life ✨ Join us πŸ’‹

God Bless!


68 : How we "stick" to others


66 : Gratitude with a side of sarcasm