72 : If I could turn back time...would I change anything?

Sing it with me now!  If you could go back, what would you change?  What regrets do you have?  Where would you like a do-over? 

We all have these moments.  Days.  Seasons.  Chapters.  The chapters we don't want anyone to read, amiright?  

Gulp. 🤭 Me, too.

In this episode I discuss:

[0:38] My real life growth of resistance that tries to creep in

[1:53] A very special reviewer of the week

[3:35] Want to think about 2020 & 2021 differently? 

[5:20] A peek into my brain & what gets me excited

[7:07] Your personal invite to join me for a FREE webinar

[9:12] A quote from a wise man

[10:26] The truth about what popped up in your thoughts

[11:55] Pen pick up moment

[14:16] Empowering you to see your memories differently

[18:01] How are you? 

[19:22] My gift to you

Your Journal prompts:

  1. What does, “if I could turn back time,” mean to you?

  2. Would you do things differently? Spend some time on this…

  3. What decisions do you make today because you lived through that time?

  4. When you shift to remembering the good/joy/peace/love/abundance, what do you see?

Register TODAY for the “Illusion of Time” webinar on January 13th! There are two different sessions to choose from: https://coaching.brookekanitz.com/registration-page

Want to grow in a community of like-minded women? Join ME in the Perfectly You Coaching Community where you will gather & grow with other women who are tired of believing those lies–it’s time to be Perfectly YOU! 

I want to have YOU be part of it! Go to brookekanitz.com/coaching & GET on the LIST & you’ll be notified when the registration link is live! 🔥

The podcast that I referenced, “I survived the worst year of my life”


Pretty please tag me with your answers on social media & takeaways so that we can create more impact together 💋

God Bless! 💋


73 : Dumpster fires of distraction


71 : I survived the longest year of my life