91 : The symptoms reveal the underlying disease

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What you see is the comment on social media. The angry reaction. The eye roll. The snarky tone. 

You snap at the waiter. At your kid. At your boss. At your husband. Your blood is boiling.

"I didn't mean to," or rather..."I wish YOU had not heard that." 🤭 

Gulp. We WISH we hadn't just let our guard down & shared that part of us...but, it's just us showing our symptoms of our disease. 

Let's chat more about this, friends...PS: you're not alone. 

In this episode I discuss:

[2:50] One thing that helps me do this!

[5:00] Some of the garbage that we’ve chosen as part of our programming

[5:33] Want to take out the trash? Go to brookekanitz.com NOW & enroll

[7:00] the symptoms that we see & the underlying disease

[8:24] some versions of “symptoms”

[10:20] The “sound” that was the precursor to the symptom

[12:18] The question that revealed the underlying disease

[14:55] Your mindset & thoughts will lag behind your progress

[16:40] Is the threat real or imagined?

[19:03] The journey to healing my heart & mind

[20:38] Could you zoom out & empathize with others, instead of judging them?

[22:19] What we are doing here 🥰🥰🥰

[24:00] I was sick for years before I knew that I needed healing…maybe you are, too…

Your Journal prompts:

  1. Can you see the anger & see it as a symptom instead?

  2. Can you lead with love & say, “how can I serve you?”

  3. Are you ready to live life a different way? Is that you? Go to #4 —>

  4. Go to brookekanitz.com/coaching & join us today! Promo code: IMREADY gets you one month for FREE!! Tag me on social media when you’ve joined so that I can cheer you on! 👏🏻

The podcast that I referenced in today’s episode:

 36 : Everything is neutral...until you assign a meaning to it



THE DOORS ARE OPEN to the Perfectly You Coaching Community!

Want to grow in a community of like-minded women? Join ME in the Perfectly You Coaching Community where you will gather & grow with other women who are tired of believing those lies–it’s time to be Perfectly YOU!

Like FREE stuff? Me, too! 💁🏼‍♀️

Don’t forget the promo code: IMREADY to get one month FREE! 🔥 

Enroll TODAY ▶️ https://brookekanitz.com/coaching

Pretty please tag me with your answers on social media & takeaways so that we can create more impact together 

Go out into this world & be Perfectly You…it's all you were ever called to be. ✌🏻

God Bless! 💋


92 : How to go pro in your life


90 : How this podcast almost didn't happen