96 : Ephesians 3:20 living: Taking God out of the box

Do you play small? Do you find yourself not believing what you CAN do? What you CAN accomplish? What you are ABLE to pull off? 

Do you do anything about it...or just settle for "it is the way that it is." 🤷🏼‍♀️ Have you ever thought to ask? I mean, REALLY ask...

Grab your drink...let's chat for a bit, my friends ❤️

In this episode I discuss:

[2:45] How I combine the translations of scripture & speak it over my life

[6:24] I felt off…this is who was talking to me

[11:20] I had some reservations & questions

[11:45] My exact thoughts that I desired to have happen

[14:11] The temporary “band-aid” solution that we had settled on

[16:44] The two things that were “not possible,” became possible…& a bag of chips! 🙌🏼

[18:39] God told me that I was playing small…thinking in earthly limitations

[20:38] What is it going to hurt to ask? 

[21:52] This is good. Pay attention 😉

[23:34] Every detail mattered…even the ones we didn’t think were important

[25:10] Your Eph 3:20 challenge…ANNNND a bag of chips!

Your Journal prompts:

  1. What do you get to ask for? 

  2. What have you been asking for, but you’re putting earthly limitations on it?

  3. Would you have prayed to be completely healed when you can visually see the decay? 

  4. Want to grow in Christ? Want to be guided in thought work & mindset through the lens of the Kingdom? Go to #5 —>

  5. Go to brookekanitz.com/coaching & join us today! Promo code: IMREADY gets you one month for FREE!! Tag me on social media when you’ve joined so that I can cheer you on! 👏🏻

***Tag me on social with your “ANNNNND a bag of chips” moments! 🙌🏼


THE DOORS ARE OPEN to the Perfectly You Coaching Community!

Want to grow in a community of like-minded women? Join ME in the Perfectly You Coaching Community where you will gather & grow with other women who are tired of believing those lies–it’s time to be Perfectly YOU!

Like FREE stuff? Me, too! 💁🏼‍♀️

Don’t forget the promo code: IMREADY to get one month FREE! 🔥 

Enroll TODAY ▶️ https://brookekanitz.com/coaching

Pretty please tag me with your answers on social media & takeaways so that we can create more impact together 

Go out into this world & be Perfectly You…it's all you were ever called to be. ✌🏻

God Bless! 💋


97 : No response IS a response


95 : Flow & opening ourselves to blessings