Finding Solutions
& Creating
a Bigger Impact

Our Story

We are a family that loves to live life to the fullest!

We love to be with our kids, soaking up all the time outside, being with friends, community, anything outdoors, going to the lake on weekends, sports and ending the day with some BBQ on the grill and a bonfire in backyard!


 Giving Back

We believe it is both important and impactful to give back. Which is one of the reasons we started a local Youth track program that after 3 years has around 100 kids. Dustan also volunteers any time he can as a sports coach and I love volunteering at our church!

An Answer to Prayer

We love the life we have created.

And feel a deep responsibility to provide the same opportunities we had to others.

If you are looking to have peace, feel confident & step into your power, I want to share how you can do this too!

Click the “Learn More” button and head over to my health and wellness page to hear how much my life and my family have changed in just 5 fast years!