41 : Why are you settling?

Where in your life have you settled? Accepted that "it's just what we do." Where have you not questioned & just settled for what is?

What if you didn't have to? What if it's because you want to avoid something? What if you’re really afraid to NOT settle?

What if? What if? What if?

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In this episode I discuss:

[2:05] The true epidemic...visit last week’s episode to learn more. 

[2:53] The ____________ of light is ___________.

[5:45] The time that I wouldn’t accept “status quo”

[6:54] “I don’t have a button for that.”

[10:22] The truth bomb here

[13:03] The real reason that we settle...we add _________.

[18:00] You can do anything if you’re willing to ______________.

[18:56] My mantra that I live by that changes everything. How you do _______ thing is how you do _____ things. 

[24:53] Someone telling you it cannot be done reveals _________________, not yours.

[27:17] It’s only the way it is if you ______________ it, as such.

[28:26] Our dreams die with us because we don’t have a button.

Your Journal prompts:

  1. Where have you accepted “we don’t have a button for that?”

  2. What are you actually avoiding by settling?


42 : Your Input Controls Your Output


40 : Created for Connection