80 : Not Luck. Just God.

If I didn't have bad luck, I wouldn't have any luck at all. Oh really?

Do you believe that? What about these: Luck o’ the Irish! Good luck! Bad luck! You lucky duck! You’re sooooo lucky!

Is it all about luck? Or is it about something else? I’m glad you asked…

Let's chat about this, friends 💋

In this episode I discuss:

[0:52] What will happen if you go around living unconsciously

[4:54] My challenge to you in anything when you want to learn

[7:35] What I believe about the idea of luck

[8:40] If we are saying it is by luck that we _______, then the inverse is true

[9:09] A “hard truth” moment…but, I think that you can handle it ;)

[10:55] My challenge to you is to examine this belief

[12:08] A different perspective on the same circumstance

[13:57] My friend, you have an ____________. TRUTH 💣

[15:53] What I believe is true about EVERY human

[18:54] Your skill set was not a random lottery win…

[21:23] Not Luck. Just God. —> email brooke@perfectlyyoupodcast.com if you want a link from the members-only workshop emailed to you! 

Your Journal prompts:

  1. Do you believe in luck?

  2. If you believed in your skills, talents & abilities, what would you do?

  3. Go to brookekanitz.com/coaching & join us today! Promo code: IMREADY gets you one month for FREE!! Tag me on social when you’ve joined so that I can cheer you on! 👏🏻

Podcast that I referenced: 

Episode 3 : Untapped Potential



THE DOORS ARE OPEN to the Perfectly You Coaching Community!

Want to grow in a community of like-minded women? Join ME in the Perfectly You Coaching Community where you will gather & grow with other women who are tired of believing those lies–it’s time to be Perfectly YOU! Don’t forget the promo code: IMREADY to save $49! 🔥The sales page is LIVE now: https://brookekanitz.com/coaching

Pretty please tag me with your answers on social media & takeaways so that we can create more impact together!

Go out into this world & be Perfectly You…it's all you were ever called to be. ✌🏻

God Bless! 💋


81 : Our words are powerful: A candid convo with my teenage son {who GETS it}


79 : The power of the domino effect